15 March 2009


“Cel mai mare pericol pentru cei mai multi dintre noi sta nu in faptul ca tintim prea sus si nu reusim sa ajungem pina acolo, ci in faptul ca ne asezam tinta prea jos si ca …o atingem”
Michelangelo Buonarroti

Despre Michelangelo…El a fost sculptorul si pictorul Renasterii, considerat unul dintre cei mai mari artisti ai lumii. Nascut in Tuscany in 1475. A inceput sa picteze ca ucenic la virsta de 13 ani, infuriindu-si tatal care considera arta ca o munca fara rost. La virsta de 25 de ani deja sculptase una dintre lucrarile lui cele mai recunoscute, Pieta care se gaseste in Catedrala Sf Petru. Muncind singur, i-au luat mai bine de patru ani sa picteze 400 dintre figurile de pe tavanul Capelei Sixtine. De asemenea a desenat domul la Sf Petru si este probabil cunoscut cel mai bine prin faimoasa sa statuie a lui David. A murit in 1564.


"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."– Michelangelo Buonarroti

About Michelangelo Buonarroti
Michelangelo Buonarotti, the Renaissance sculptor and painter, is considered one of the world's greatest artists. He was born in Tuscany in 1475. He apprenticed to a painter at age 13, infuriating his father, who considered art menial work. By age 25, he had sculpted one of his finest works, the Pietà, in St. Peter's. Working alone, he took four years to paint more than 400 figures on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. He also designed St. Peter's dome and is perhaps best known for his iconic statue of David. He died in 1564.

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