22 January 2009


Dupa trei zile de post, nu exista gind care sa nu-ti invadeze gindurile…
If you starve for three days, there is no thought that does not invade your imagination.
Un plugar prost, se cearta si cu boul de la plug!
The bad ploughman quarrels with his ox.
Cu cit sint mai adinci apele, cu atit sint mai linistite!
The deeper the water are, the more still they run.
Unde nu sint tigrii…o pisica salbatica se simte importanta!
When there are no tigers, a wildcat is very self-important.
Afacerile unui om se evalueaza numai dupa ce se inchide sicriul.
Man’s affairs are evaluated only after his coffin is closed.
Amina o zi…si zece zile or sa treaca…
Put off one day and ten days will pass.
Vitelul nobilului nu cunoaste cutitul macelarului.
A nobleman’s calf does not know how a butcher kills.
Cuvintele n-au aripi…dar zboara o mie de mile.
Words have no wings but they can fly a thousand miles.
Ai sa urasti cel mai minunat cintec…daca-l cinti prea des.
You will hate a beautiful song if you sing it often.
Daca-ti plac numai lucrurile usoare, o sa ai probleme; daca-ti plac problemele, ai sa le rezolvi.
If you like things easy, you’ll have difficulties; if you like problems, you’ll succeed.
Nu arunca noroi in fintina de unde iti iei apa.
Cast no dirt into the well that gives you water.
Nu dati perle porcilor.
Cast not pearls to swine.
Nu umbla sa prinzi umbra…ca ai sa pierzi substanta.
Catch not at the shadow, and lose the substance.
Treci chiar si un pod de piatra, dar numai dupa ce l-ai incercat. Cross even a stone bridge after you’ve tested it.
Nici pestele n-ar avea probleme daca si-ar tine gura inchisa.
Even a fish would not get into trouble if it kept its mouth shut.


disa said...

"nu dati perle porcilor"
in popor se spune:
"nu te amesteca in tarate, ca te mananca porcii!"

Rodica Botan said...