21 January 2009


Din pozitia mea de cetatean crestin al acestei tari vorbesc. Am ramas confuza ascultind rugaciunea de inaugurare a acestui presedinte.

Daca m-ar intreba pe mine cineva care rugaciune ar fi mai potrivita as spune...Luca 23:34..."Tata iarta-i, caci nu stiu ce fac!"

Focus on the Family poate sa ne explice un pic mai bine ce va urma...ca lista de "schimbari" in sfirsit nu mai este un secret...

Obama Reveals the 'Change' He Will Bring
by Jennifer Mesko, editor
Aceasta este administratia cu cea mai fara perdea agenda pro-homosexuala si pentru abortie pe care am vazut-o vreodata. Aceasta agenda radicala a Presedintelui Obanma fa face ca cei ce apara familia sa inteleaga ca ii asteapta cel putin patru ani grei. Ce avem de pierdut? Definitia casatoriei in sine, sanctitatea vietii umane si altele. Sint toate insirate in WhiteHouse.gov.
Presedintele Obama nu este prieten cu valorile familiei si veti vedea acest lucru in White House web pages –spune Ashley Horne, care reprezinta Focus on the Family. Cititi mai mult pe http://www.citizenlink.org/

' This is the most bold and comprehensive pro-homosexual, abortion-friendly administration agenda we've ever seen.'
President Barack Obama's radical agenda is prompting family advocates to steel themselves for a four-year struggle.
At stake: the definition of marriage and family, the sanctity of human life and many other issues. It's all laid out at WhiteHouse.gov.
"President Obama is no friend of family values, and that is made perfectly clear on the White House Web site," said Ashley Horne, federal policy analyst at Focus on the Family Action. "This is the most bold and comprehensive pro-homosexual, abortion-friendly administration agenda we've ever seen. And this is no time for Christians to remain silent."
On marriage
WhiteHouse.gov: "President Obama supports full civil unions that give same-sex couples legal rights and privileges equal to those of married couples. Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act." (The Defense of Marriage Act is the federal government's definition of marriage as between one man and one woman.)

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